Wellness, Spirituality & Life Celebration Center
I Love You Despite Your Hatred

I Love You Despite Your Hatred

Let my feeling of love for you

be unexpressed, be un-conveyed to you;

Let my heartbeat be unheard to you;

Let my arms be remaining thirsty of your hug;

Let you be remaining unknown of my feelings for you.


Your hatred for me

gives strength to me,

reinforces my conviction,

kindles and ignites my soul,

intensifies my consciousness.


The void between you and me

connects me with Infinite.

I find myself standing alone,

Firm and high in the midst of universe,

with my sight grazing

the last threshold of existence.


The whole existence becomes aware of itself,

I come out from the confinement of my self,

Pervade the whole cosmos,

And get established in eternity.


So, my son! Keep hating me;

I still love you

despite your hatred.


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