What is life for you? Just earning lots of money, power, fame, enjoying sex and all sensory pleasures, raising children, satisfying ego etc?
Most of people think that they live life, but in maximum cases I have observed that it is the life which live the instrumentality of body and mind of such people.
Most of people don’t have any idea what exactly life is. For them, life is just a duration between birth and death of their physical body. Life is in fact something beyond this.
Let us understand what life is in a very simple and logical manner.
We consider ourselves as living entities while other things like walls, furniture etc as non-living. What is there which makes us living and what is missing in walls, furniture etc because of which we consider them as non-living?
It is the consciousness, the ability of feeling something. The moment we lose this ability, we become dead. So, life is nothing but it is consciousness itself. Because of consciousness, we are able to perceive something. Wherever or whatever our consciousness is engaged with, we have certain perceptions accordingly. On the basis of the object of our consciousness, our perception may be wholesome or unwholesome or neutral. The quality of perceptions that we have most of times determines the quality of our life.
Now, let us investigate where our consciousness is engaged most of times. Most of times, our consciousness is engaged with materialistic realities like money, wealth, property, power etc or with one or the other thoughts, plans, emotions, memories, desires, cravings etc. All these things are temporary realities in forms of deterministic pattern of vibrations that keep arising, sustaining for a few moments and then disappearing. Since, they are bound to disappear, so death is the inherent fear of our worldly existence. Whatever things we relate ourselves with, they all are temporary finite deterministic vibrational realities.
All vibrational realities can give us only gross hormonal happiness or excitement maximum. They can’t give us the realization of Infinity, Eternity and Ultimate Bliss!
Do you know any eternal infinite element of your existence?
You may say- Soul, God etc. Sorry, you don’t even know whether anything like soul, God etc exist or not. It may be just your belief, not your own realization. So, stop befooling yourself.
It’s only eternal infinite element of our existence which can give us the realization of Pure Ultimate Bliss. Once you discover and realize that element, you will transcend death and get established in eternity, Infinity and Ultimate Bliss. Realization of this eternal infinite element of our existence is the ultimate goal of human life.
If you want to realize that, join my program “Science of Ultimate Reality, Ontology of Self: Golden Gate to the Realization of Eternity, Infinity and Ultimate Bliss”.
Thank you,
Swami Aaron (Dr. Aaron Thomas)
Author | Psychologist | Spiritual Master
UltimateBliss.in | UltimateBliss.org
+91 9811131102, +91 9810969067
Copyright 2022 © Swami Aaron (Dr. Aaron Thomas)
#Human Life
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